Interview Synopsis

DSO market update – coronavirus impact, volume trends & H2 2020 outlook

  • Multi Asset
  • Healthcare
  • North America

Dental service organisations (DSOs) have been bitten hard by the pandemic. A senior executive at Great Expressions Dental Centers told Third Bridge Forum of almost entirely disappearing volumes: “We were down 95%... and the 5% accounting for the offices that we chose to keep open just to service emergencies.”

The ins and outs of dental service organisations during the COVID-19 outbreak

However, the specialist noted that there has since been a bounce-back, largely from continuity of care. As demand is “definitely there”, the specialist believes that any organisation that wasn’t able to benefit from the surge could have been dealing with operational issues. “Staffing is the major, major issue right now… A lot of people didn’t want to come back.”

The discussion moved on to the requirements for dentist’s offices to function in this environment. The specialist explained that the CDC’s guidelines include both mandates and recommendations, which need to be untangled. In addition, public demand needs to be assessed, including how comfortable people feel and the extra time needed, as well as the resulting impact on footfall.

The specialist was asked about the scope for a pick-up in private label consumables and implants. Adoption differs when it comes to providers and patients, as well as the product. In general, “patients don’t care”, unless it’s a favoured brand like Invisalign. Consequently, “there is a big opportunity for a lot more private label products to stock in my shelves at a significant cost saving.”

Implants are another consumer preference taking hold. While previous generations were more accepting of dentures, baby boomers, who have higher disposable income and better healthcare knowledge, are driving demand. This uptake could be further supported by third-party financing. 

Other topics covered in this Interview included what impact DSOs could have on the dental lab business and the benefits of converting the branding of acquired practices.

To access all the human insights from Third Bridge Forum’s DSO Market Update – Coronavirus Impact, Volume Trends & H2 2020 Outlook Interview, click here to view the full transcript.

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