Compliance Policy

Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement 2022

This statement is issued by Third Bridge Group Limited (“Third Bridge”), a company incorporated  under the laws of England and Wales, on behalf of itself and its group companies pursuant to section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and in respect of the financial year ended 31 December 2021. Third Bridge has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of modern slavery, forced labour or  human trafficking. We are committed to acting ethically and with integrity and transparency in all our business dealings.

About Third Bridge

Third Bridge is a global research firm headquartered in London, United Kingdom, with around 1,100  employees globally. Third Bridge operates through its UK headquarters in London and offices located  in New York, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Beijing, Mumbai and Los Angeles. 

Third Bridge provides human insight into sectors, industries and companies by facilitating interactions  between our clients and industry experts and through our own interviews of experts. The services  provided by Third Bridge enable our clients to make better informed investment decisions. 

Our Values and corporate commitments

Third Bridge’s corporate values: Showing Respect, Developing People and Winning, underpin our  culture and how we engage in business. Our Values form the benchmark against which we expect  people to interact with colleagues, clients and the organisations we do business with. 

Third Bridge’s corporate commitments include: Being Bold, Clients Winning, Crafting Great work, Developing people and Rising Together. These values form the benchmark against which we expect people to interact with colleagues, clients and the organisations we do business with.

By continually embedding our values within our business, we hope to build an environment where  people are conscientious of their responsibilities and feel supported to report any concerns they have,  including those relating to modern slavery. We operate a whistleblowing policy so that all employees  know that they can raise concerns about how colleagues are being treated, or practices within our  business or supply chain, without fear of reprisals. We provide a confidential whistleblowing hotline  which all employees can access from their computers. 

Our Policies

Given the nature of Third Bridge’s business as a service provider, we do not believe that there is risk  of slavery, child labour or human trafficking existing within our own business. 

We operate internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical manner. These  include: 

  • Employees 

All employees are provided with a written contract of employment and our recruitment processes are  in line with applicable employment laws. Third Bridge offers market related pay and rewards which  are reviewed annually.

Third Bridge has a global Code of Ethics (“the Code”) and also a global Respect & Professional Conduct  Policy (“the Conduct Policy”). Each employee has a personal responsibility to read the Code and the  Conduct Policy, as well as to ensure that they fully understand their obligations and the consequences  associated with any breach of those obligations. 

  • Training 

Third Bridge conducts employee training in respect of modern slavery to raise awareness and educate  relevant staff on how to recognize and report concerns in relation to modern slavery. 

  • Suppliers 

We make little use of services demanding unskilled labour and those services and products we do use  are sourced from reputable suppliers. Our suppliers are for the most part limited to professional  services, commercial real estate, staff benefits and healthcare, facility management, office equipment  and computer hardware and software. We believe that the risk of modern slavery in our supply chain  is low, but we remain vigilant and will continue to review our processes, in respect of new and existing  suppliers, and our internal policies. Enquiries in respect of modern slavery form part of our standard  supplier due diligence process. 

Emmanuel Tahar 

Chief Executive Officer 

Third Bridge Group Limited 

Updated 28 April 2022

Access previous Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statements below: