Former Executive at Caiman Energy II LLC
- Key midstream sector trends in northeast US
- Competitive landscape and positioning of major players
- Opportunities created by growth in LNG feed gas and potential headwinds
- Outlook for 2019 and beyond
What is your updated perspective on the key trends and noteworthy developments in the northeast?
What are the limitations to building out dry gas infrastructure in areas such as northeast Pennsylvania?
How would you grade the likelihood of the Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast pipelines being completed within the new target dates?
When do you expect the Appalachian basin to reach overcapacity?
Can we explore the NGL [natural gas liquid] environment, including fractionation capacity in the basin and NGL exports?
Do you foresee a point at which there could be too much capacity in the northeast, given all the pipes that have been built over the last few years?
Can you discuss the market level rates and your outlook for compression and processing in northeast long-haul gas takeaway?
Which northeast companies do you think are most at risk of needing to reset rates if gas pricing starts to force production curtailment?
You mentioned that the rate reset does not necessarily need to happen through bankruptcy. Can you elaborate on that?
Why are the state line areas of Northern and West Virginia far less developed than over the border in Greene County, Pennsylvania? How much additional midstream is needed to develop that area?
Which northeast producer would you say has the best quality acreage? Conversely, which do you think are likely to curtail production or anything along those lines?
Are there any additional aspects of the northeast pipelines that are key for us to take away today?
Blue Racer is working on some gathering projects in the West Virginia region. Do you think the company is at risk from the continuing delays to the Mountain Valley and the Atlantic Coast pipelines?
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