Former C-Level Executive at NHS Digital
- Challenges to scaling healthcare apps
- High growth apps
- NHS Digital's agenda and outsourcing trends
Many interesting health apps seem to be arising across the EU. How would you rate the UK in the context of EU opportunities for these apps?
I’ve seen a few apps come out of France, but not so many in Germany. Why has uptake been slower in these countries?
How important is it for healthcare apps to establish a relationship with the NHS in the UK?
Can you outline the app segments you mentioned with examples?
Do any players comes to mind in the prescription ordering segment?
Which areas of the health sector do you think are most attractive for an investor looking to scale an app?
Which NHS stakeholders would we need to be aware of when thinking about partnering for a horizontal app?
How does the NHS capital allocation process work? Who is directly involved?
How good do you think the fit is between apps that are beginning to get to scale and the digital innovation that the NHS is looking for?
Do you think that a Jeremy Corbyn-led Labour government would change the environment for UK apps?
You provided an introduction to app monetisation, but what revenue streams can you build out with a health app?
I think some French appointment booking apps monetise through charging doctors subscription fees for their services, such as Doctolib. What do you think of this model?
Are GP booking services typically provided by Emis and TPP [The Phoenix Partnership] in the UK or is there a gap for businesses such as Doctolib here?
How do you think about monetising through private medical insurance vs through the NHS in the UK?
How much willingness or cash is there to pay for additional apps among insurers and the NHS in the UK? They’ve already got a big public relationship with Babylon in London.
Is specific budget earmarked for apps in the UK?
What are the challenges of scaling a healthcare app?
Babylon has partnered with quite a few big corporates. Is that necessary or just a nice-to-have?
What are the key challenges and what could go wrong?
What would happen if a patient was not referred by major telemedicine provider when they were supposed to be?
A lot of money is being raised in VC rounds for many healthcare apps. How do you think it makes sense to value an app?
It seems that a few telemedicine apps do relatively similar things. How do you foresee the telemedicine market structure evolving across players such as Babylon and Docly?
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