Former C-level executive at Editas Medicine Inc
- Genomic editing market trends relating to CRISPR (NASDAQ: CRSP)
- CRISPR-related innovations, such as gene therapy
- Off-target site and safety concerns for CRISPR
- Outlook for year-end 2019 and beyond
What key trends and themes have you been following in the broader gene therapy space recently?
How are you assessing the profile for CRISPR-Cas9, any thoughts around safety, mechanism, etc?
What ancillary materials are perhaps the most critical to the manufacturing of CRISPR therapeutics?
How are you assessing the field's efforts to invest heavily in AAV [Adeno-associated virus]? Is there a growing belief that this is the mechanism to deliver genetic material?
How much of a differentiator do you think Editas’s proprietary access to staph aureus Cas9 could be for the company, if at all?
Editas has invested significantly in the iPSC platform. How do you envision the marriage between a gene editing platform and a cell-based platform? It appears that Editas is contributing to develop and combine the two. Do you think this is critical for the future, will it be the standard?
What is your position on the debate that allogeneic approaches are not really solving anything new when compared to autologous approaches?
What is your assessment of Editas' wholly-owned allogeneic NK cell programme?
Aside from engineered T cells, are any other assets in Editas' portfolio underappreciated for the company?
How would you assess Editas's positioning vs peers? Which players would you highlight?
What is your outlook for the genomic editing and gene therapy field over the next 12-24 months? What will you be focusing on and what sort of advancements would you expect?
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