Former Market Investment Manager at China Gas Holdings Ltd
- China’s natural gas industry – development and energy policies
- Challenges and opportunities for China’s gas companies in the new economic environment
- Impacts on China’s market from overseas negative natural gas price policies
- Natural gas storage policies, urban gas companies’ storage capabilities, participation in storage construction and project economics
What are the noteworthy trends in the natural gas industry lately? How would you interpret those trends?
China has agreed to a high volume of LNG imports in the China-US Phase One trade deal, and due to energy security concerns, the government has planned extensive exploration of shale gas. Will this lead to an oversupply of natural gas in the country?
How will upstream companies’ expansion into the downstream segment impact urban gas companies?
Now, can you talk about the impacts of the pandemic on the natural gas industry?
You mentioned the control of lost and unaccounted-for gas. How can companies improve their management of lost and unaccounted-for gas after the pandemic?
What is the adoption of IoT technologies in the natural gas industry currently?
You said earlier that China Gas was promoting its new retail platform. Can you elaborate a little on that?
How much must a gas company invest in IoT technologies in order to enhance its management of lost and unaccounted-for gas?
You said earlier that it would be difficult for small urban gas companies to retain a foothold in the market under the current regulatory environment. What value do large companies see in these small firms if they are to acquire them? Can small firms that fare poorly in operations bring greater value to large companies than their existing urban projects?
Natural gas is now allowed to be traded at negative prices abroad. How will that affect China’s natural gas industry?
How urgent is it now in China to construct storage reservoirs to ease the strain on the natural gas supply system during peak times? How motivated are urban gas companies in building storage space?
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