Former associate at US Department of Energy
- Assessment of CCS (carbon capture and storage) methods, technologies and effectiveness, including amine and membrane processes
- Project-level cost drivers and government incentives for CCS industry
- Project development opportunities such as metal-organic frameworks and feasibility of company plans for major players
- Industry growth timeline and potential bottlenecks
Why is there such renewed interest in CCS [carbon capture and storage]? Is it simply a matter of surging carbon prices or have technical developments in the industry made it more viable?
What are the power generation and industrial sectors’ aims to be carbon-free? What determines the CO2 concentrations when capturing it and how does it vary?
What are the processes to capture CO2 from flue gas from industrial processes and power generation?
What is the difference between using an amine and a membrane? Does the cost or performance differ? Why choose one over the other?
Which projects use the amine vs membrane processes? What are your takeaways from these experiences?
Is there any cost differentiation to capture the CO2 in projects, whether it’s an ethanol, a coal-fired power plant or a steam-methane reformer in Texas? What are some cost considerations?
Who developed the membrane technology for carbon capture? Was it the DoE [Department of Energy] or were other companies involved?
Do the membranes have to be developed specifically for the CCS industry or were membranes being used in other industrial processes?
What’s the potential capture rate for membranes? Will they compete with the amine process in the future and how long would that take?
How much upfront cost is required to build a CCS project and how could this evolve?
What are metal-organic frameworks? How does it work, who is developing it and where can it be applied?
What are the types of metals used in the metal-organic frameworks?
Do you think direct air capture will work? Is it realistic and what development stage is it at?
Do you think carbon capture can be done economically without the 45Q tax credit?
Do you think the CCS industry will grow faster in the US vs the rest of the world, or are other countries taking a more aggressive approach?
You’ve covered cement plants in Colorado and feed studies, but what else should our clients focus on to better understand the CCS industry in the coming months and quarters?