Former VP at Nuvasive Inc
- NuVasive (NASDAQ: NUVA) – recent developments and coronavirus impact
- Robotics headwinds and elective procedures recovery timeline
- International markets, growth prospects and potential top-line contribution
- Competitive landscape and NuVasive's positioning
- Outlook for Q4 2020 and beyond – turnaround potential and strategic assessments
What are some key trends and themes you have been following in the spine industry?
How has NuVasive’s evolved over the last couple of years? How does this feed into the two main themes you just highlighted – enabling technologies and surface coatings and 3D printing?
Procedure volumes compressed in April-July. How have COVID-19-related dynamics impacted the spine industry broadly and NuVasive specifically over the past few months?
Provider and hospital budgets have been strained through the pandemic. How do you expect sales cycles to shift for NuVasive and others in the industry, if at all?
How might NuVasive’s pandemic-related financial impact materialise over the next few quarters? Do you expect this to be a headwind for the company, especially with the delay of its Pulse integrated enabling technology platform?
Do you have any concerns about the spine market as an end market to sell into, given the increasing price pressure, some reimbursement pressure and the macro environment? How could NuVasive try to mitigate these headwinds?
Would you expect pricing to continue to decline in the near-to-mid-term, or has it somewhat flattened or bottomed out?
What are your thoughts on NuVasive’s X360 system and its launch?
What are your thoughts on the opportunity for NuVasive’s Pulse? Do you expect it to drive top-line growth?
Can you discuss the potential post-launch runway of Pulse and how long this will be viable and drive NuVasive’s growth?
Have you had any insight into feedback around Pulse, or can you share your thoughts on the product, given your time at the company?
How do you view NuVasive’s ability to move into robotics, given its relative lag to market? Might it have lost unrecoverable market share to competitors?
What are your thoughts on the competitive landscape for robotics? Have the product quality, physician feedback or penetration of any players stood out, perhaps Globus or Zimmer?
What are your thoughts on NuVasive’s potential plan to extend the sales force? This may have been more of a pre-pandemic focus, but how do internal dynamics factor in? How do you expect sales force changes to play out over the next few quarters?
Do you expect NuVasive to accelerate its R&D spend, given the macro environment?
What are your thoughts on NuVasive’s surgical support business? Do you think it can continue to grow modestly YoY? Are there any key catalysts in that business you would highlight?
Do you think NuVasive’s biologics portfolio can return to growth? What can help drive that, or is it more about managing a slow decline?
How significant is NuVasive’s opportunity outside of the US? Will this be a key revenue driver for the business?
Do you think NuVasive could reach a 10% CAGR outside of the US?
Which regional markets are you more or less bullish on and why?
Do you think NuVasive will pursue growth inorganically or more organically through internal R&D, particularly given the recent broader M&A landscape?
Would you like to mention anything we have not touched on that you think is important to highlight?
What is your 12-18-month outlook for NuVasive? What factors would you monitor over that period?