Former executive at Market Track LLC (Numerator)
- Insights segment recovery outlook
- Data collection cost trends for surveys and consumer panels
- Pricing trends and competitive dynamics
- Impact of Kantar's Numerator acquisition on its positioning
Could you outline historic trend growth in the market data industry? Are there any catalysts that might make growth accelerate or decelerate?
Could you segment the market by spend on traditional market data, primary research and more market insights data-type products and services?
How much of the total market spend do you think the five buckets you outlined account for respectively?
How different are the competitive dynamics within those five different buckets? Do you have CPGs parcelling out work to specific vendors who are very good at market measurement, or do they tend to allocate all of that spend to one provider?
Where was Kantar particularly strong in the US, or where did you encounter it as a competitor most frequently? My understanding is its pedigree was originally in the survey business.
Did the Kantar Worldpanel’s lack of US coverage stop it winning global work from North America-based CPG companies?
Do you think Numerator is the best panel?
Are there any significant differences between the demographics of the panellists? Do Nielsen’s skew older?
Do consumers get paid per receipt, or what’s the incentive?
How long do consumers or panellists typically stay active?
Does Nielsen still offer cash to panellists?
Who dominates in the market measurement segment?
Is the biggest chunk of customer spend on the market measurement business? Is that the most important thing?
Which of the buckets are collecting more revenue or reflecting the shift in customers’ preferences to having more actionable insight or forecasting over pure measurements?
Does Numerator provide a measurement service?
Is the TruView Numerator media measurement just extrapolated from the consumer panel rather than from POS?
How competitive is pricing in this market? How frequently are CPGs typically renewing these deals?
Do you think there’s scope for one of the bigger players to acquire a company such as GfK in Europe to offset Numerator-Worldpanel’s advantage?
What do you think are the biggest headwinds for the Numerator business in the US? Will Nielsen and IRI get more aggressive with pricing and bundling?
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