Former Senior Executive, Commercial Pharmaceutical Sales at Golden State Medical Supply Inc
- Golden State Medical Supply market positioning
- Product and service offering 3. Government portfolio business
- Long-term growth opportunities for the company’s packaging business
- Six-month outlook, including potential strategic buyers
Can you outline trends in the reseller/repackager sector that Golden State Medical Supply competes in, highlighting its key competitors?
You mentioned Exelan and other players looking to divest some pieces of their business. Would a player such as Golden State potentially be interested in bringing those companies in-house?
You said Golden State lacks liquid and powder capabilities. Why has the company not tried to pursue those targets or bring those capabilities in-house?
How would you quantify the margin and revenue opportunity for bringing on these liquid and powder capabilities, given that the timing seems opportune?
Can you elaborate on the impact that these pricing collusion issues and other industry pressures could have on Golden State? How might this impact margins?
You mentioned that entrance to the government medical packaging environment has become more difficult, or more rare. Why do you think that has been the case?
You mentioned Golden State potentially acquiring AvKare. What cost synergies can you envision there?
Can you outline the purchasing process, and factors a customer would consider when choosing Golden State? How does this differ for a government customer vs pharma manufacturers?
Can you segment the Golden State business, highlighting the strongest areas of growth potential and roughly quantifying them for the next year or so?
You mentioned Mylan, UDL and other unit dose sector players. Could they potentially acquire Golden State, and how would this strategy compare vs combining with AvKare and the unit dose capabilities there?
You mentioned speculation around Golden State being sold flares up every six months. Were it to materialise, do you think it would have been more beneficial six months ago vs six months from now?
Teva recalled a Golden State product at the end of April. How often does something like that happen, and what effect does it have upon the company? Is that impact mostly short-term, or does it linger?
Can we explore Golden State’s national contracts? Have any of these been an issue, especially those that are approaching expiration?
Based upon the generics market, and the capabilities that Golden State lacks and may want to bring in- house, which acquisition scenarios do you think make the most or least sense?
What is your 12-18-month outlook for the reselling and repackaging sector? Are there any areas you would like to mention that we did not cover, or that are often misunderstood by the investor community?
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