Former CTO at Ionity GmbH
- Required charging network to support EV (electric vehicle) adoption, including mix of fast vs slow charging points and the tendering process
- Trends in ownership vs operation and challenges associated with commercial ownership
- Pricing outlook and potential regulatory intervention
- Unit economics, including cost of manufacturing, installation and margin outlook
What key themes and trends do you think the investment community should monitor around the European EV [electric vehicle] charging infrastructure roll-out? Where do you think we are in the roll-out?
Could you comment on levels of charging infrastructure in key regions such as the UK, Germany and France? Could you split out fast charging vs slow charging installations? How does the infrastructure compare to the baseline essential charging networks that might be required in those countries, factoring in that split?
Do you think the majority of private charge points – which account for roughly 80% of customers’ usage – are slow charging? Are approximately 80% of public charge points DC charging?
You estimated that 80% of public charge points are roughly 50kW. How do you think that’s likely to change over the next 2-3 years?
What usage do pure electric vs hybrid car models have at charge points? Can some cars use certain charge points but not others?
Could you outline the types of charging point on the market? What types are coming to market in 2021?
Could you estimate a realistic yearly roll-out rate for the higher-power chargers? Do you have any assumptions in mind?
Could you give an overview of the EV charging station tendering process across hardware, software and installation? How are site values determined? Could you highlight the major CPOs [charge-point operators] and their competitive profiles?
How do you rank considerations such as capacity, supply, price, capability and scalability in customers’ choice of charging network manufacturer, given your comments?
What would you say are the key determinants of winning a contract for a manufacturer?
When might charging stations become a commodity? How far off are we from that?
Which manufacturers would you say are most or least competitive in the European market across the major players?
How do you think issues around ownership vs operation are likely to evolve as EV adoption increases and infrastructure rolls out to support that?
You’ve run through pricing already, but could you comment on the specific unit economics associated with installation and manufacturing prices?
Could you estimate the rough break-even levels for lower-end DC charging vs ultra-fast?
How do you think about lifetime, replacement and maintenance cycles for the charging infrastructure? How do these factors affect the hardware manufacturers?
What consolidation do you expect across European CPOs given the crowded competitive landscape?