
Investment world rushes to understand Coronavirus

Doctor writing notes

Mike Grubert, Global Head of Moderators at Third Bridge Group, said:

“The investment community is rushing to understand the impact of Coronavirus on individual companies, the Chinese economy, and global growth.

“We’ve seen substantial interest in insights on the spread of the virus as well as issues like quarantine periods, containment, epicentres, screening technology, and potential treatments.

“There are also numerous downstream impacts investors are trying to understand. For example, city-wide lockdowns are affecting clinical trial activities and this may invalidate entire trials that have been running for prolonged periods. Elsewhere, there are concerns about the disruption to business critical supply chains in particular technology and retail.

“More broadly, the fact that Coronavirus cases have now exceeded SARS cases, in a shorter time frame, is sparking questions about the overall potential economic impact. Investors are concerned about the worst-hit industries and the expected duration of any disruption. The expectation is that Coronavirus will be significantly worse for the global economy than SARS.

“Ultimately everyone from hedge fund managers to private equity analysts are also worried about colleagues, family and future travel arrangements.”


Notes to editors:

  • Third Bridge provides private equity firms, hedge funds and strategy consultants with primary research on investment opportunities.
  • Third Bridge Forum has held multiple interviews covering; the expected treatment timeline, concerns around accurate diagnosis, plus the effects on everything from luxury fashion to clinical research.