Former divisional leader at GenesisCare
- GenesisCare's competitive positioning in the UK and Spain including key competitors, highlighting pandemic impacts and route to treatment
- Oncology reimbursement dynamics in Spain and the UK including negotiating dynamics with insurers
- Update and outlook for mix between out-of-pocket, insurance vs government-funded treatment for GenesisCare in UK and Spain
- Cost considerations and 3-5-year outlook
Previous experts have asserted [see GenesisCare – Spanish & UK Radiology Clinics Growth Outlook & Reimbursement Dynamics – 07 October 2021] that GenesisCare has been relatively unaffected by the pandemic. How might hospital waiting lists have impacted the company? Has there been a delay in patients getting treatments or a backlog?
Could you estimate volumes in the Spanish and UK markets? Are they quite aligned with typical volume or is there any uptick with a slight backlog being sorted through?
Could you outline the typical route to treatment, particularly around the referral route? You suggested that diagnosis has reduced throughout the pandemic.
What are your thoughts on GenesisCare’s relationship with insurance companies and how important they might be over the next 3-5 years? How competitive is the company at winning new partnerships?
How might insurers’ negotiating power impact pricing over the next 3-5 years across the UK vs Spanish markets?
You highlighted one of GenesisCare’s weaknesses in the UK market around how it only provides oncology and radiotherapy vs a more general hospital such as HCA. You’ve also mentioned that GenesisCare has higher prices. What might justify the sustainability of those prices when competing against players such as HCA?
You suggested that GenesisCare’s main competitor in the UK is the NHS and described how insurers perhaps push patients to go to the NHS. How real do you think that threat is to GenesisCare’s patient volumes over the next 3-5 years?
Could you outline the key revenue streams in the UK and Spain, highlighting the split across out-of-pocket, insurance and government sponsored patients within the UK market?
How do you think GenesisCare will grow over the next 3-5 years, if at all? Could it be 1-2%? You mentioned the Gamma Knife and the MR-Linac, and the NHS has a huge backlog due to coronavirus.
How should we consider the difference between NHS referred patients and private insured patients in the UK?
How we can think about the mix between out-of-pocket, insurance and government-funded patients in Spain’s market?
How can we think about GenesisCare’s mix playing out for insurance vs public over the next 3-5 years in Spain?
What might be the barriers to entry for new practices into this market?
What might be the payback period on a new site in Spain and the UK, assuming there’s space in the market?
You mentioned the payback period is usually only three years. Is that across the UK and Spain?
You mentioned GenesisCare being specialised in launching new greenfields. What might be your 3-5-year outlook for launching new greenfields in the Spanish and UK markets?
Could you outline the risks of technological disruption on the different regions we’ve discussed? Is this a real risk that we should monitor?
What cost pressures might GenesisCare be facing across labour and machine maintenance? How easy or likely it is that the company could pass those through on the private and public side?